
To terminate a cluster with asynchronous operation, it is necessary to query the cluster state using describeCluster to determine whether the cluster has been successfully terminated. Terminating the cluster does not delete basic information about the cluster, for example it can still be found through listClusters and describeCluster. Terminating the cluster releases all Virtual Machine resources used by the server.

Status: C_TERMINATINGAccepted by the server and currently terminating. C_TERMINATEDTerminated successfully. C_FAILED Failed to terminate, reason for change of status is terminate failed.

Parameters: String

  • clusterid: String. Unique identification assigned when creating the cluster.

Return: String

  • success: When the return value is success, the request is successful and the server side starts processing. The result of processing still needs to confirmed through the describeCluster cluster query.


  • Internal server error. If this occurs, the operation can be repeated to completely remove the cluster resources.
  • Parameter error
  • Insufficient permissions