Mi Galaxy EMQ Book


Modify Queue Attributes

Parameters SetQueueAttributeRequest

queueName : String : required

Name of the modified attribute queue

queueAttribute : QueueAttribute : optional

The attributes of the modified queue; for the specific meaning of the field please see the explanation increateQueue()
For each keyValue pair in the user-defined attributes userAttributes, merge override semantics are used. That is, if a key exists only in the old attribute, it is retained; in both the old and new attributes, the old value is overwritten with the new value.

Return SetQueueAttributeResponse

queueName : String

Name of the modified attribute queue

queueAttribute : QueueAttribute

Queue attributes after successful modification

Note: Since EMQ is a distributed system, and setQueueAttribute is an asynchronous operation, therefore, after the method returns successfully, EMQ may still use the old attribute to run for a short period of time.


Modify queue quota, including read write quota

Parameters SetQueueQuotaRequest

queueName : String : required

Name of the modified quota queue

queueQuota : QueueQuota : optional

Quota of the configured queue. For the specific meaning of the field, please see the explanation in createQueue()
For a quota field with no value, the system will keep the original value without modification

Return SetQueueQuotaResponse

queueName : String

Name of the modified attribute queue

queueQuota : QueueQuota

Queue quota after successful modification

Note: Since EMQ is a distributed system, and setQueueQuota is an asynchronous operation, therefore, after the method returns successfully, EMQ may still use the old quota to run for a short period of time.