Mi Galaxy EMQ Book


List user-owned queue
Users can only list their own Queue

Parameters ListQueueRequest

queueNamePrefix : String : optional

Queue name prefix

Return ListQueueResponse

queueName : List< String >

List of eligible queue names. The queue name contains a prefix beginning with organization id


Gets the queue information
The attributes that contains the queue in the return value and the statistics for the queue

Parameter GetQueueInfoRequest

queueName : String : required

Name of the queue to get information for

Return GetQueueInfoResponse

queueName : String
queueAttribute : QueueAttribute

See Createqueue () for specific fields.

queueQuota : QueueQuota

See Createqueue () for specific fields.

queueState : QueueState

Queue or tag statistics, as follows:

  1. Createtimestamp:long
    Creation Time
  2. Lastmodifiedtimestamp:long
    The last time the operation was modified, that is, the update timestamp
    Only purgequeue () updates the queue's update timestamp
    and the tag's update timestamp is always equal to the creation timestamp
  3. approximateMessageNumber : long
    Estimated total number of messages; the number of messages accumulated
  4. approximateAvailableMessageNumber : long
    The current estimate of the number of messages that can be received immediately; the number of messages that the EMQ has loaded into memory for receiving.
  5. approximateInvisibilityMessageNumber : long
    The estimated number of messages currently being processed; the number of messages that have been received but not yet returned.

approximateMessageNumber >= approximateAvailableMessageNumber + approximateAvailableMessageNumber + delayMessageNumber

isDeadLetterQueue : boolean

Whether this queue is a Dead Letter Queue.

redrivePolicy: RedrivePolicy

This queue's new driving policy. See Redrive Policy

enablePriority : boolean

Identifies whether the queue allows message priority.

topicQueue : boolean

Identifies whether the queue is a topicQueue

deleteMessageForce : boolean

Identifies whether expired messages in queue will be force cleared

defaultTagName : String

Alias for queue's defaultTag, empty by default

sourceQueues : List< String > : optional

If this queue is a Dead Letter Queue, then this is a list of the Dead Letter Queue's source Queues.