Mi Galaxy EMQ Book

At present there are a total of 6 EMQ clusters provided services in Beijing, the United States, Singapore and Germany the corresponding areas and endpoints are as follows:

AWS-Beijing   http://awsbj0.emq.api.xiaomi.com or https://awsbj0.emq.api.xiaomi.com
AWS-Oregon   http://awsusor0.emq.api.xiaomi.com or https://awsusor0.emq.api.xiaomi.com
KSYun-Beijing6   http://cnbj2.emq.api.xiaomi.com or https://cnbj2.emq.api.xiaomi.com
AWS-Singapore http://awssgp0.emq.api.xiaomi.com or https://awssgp0.emq.api.xiaomi.com
AWS-Frankfurt http://awsde0.emq.api.xiaomi.com or https://awsde0.emq.api.xiaomi.com

(Users are advised to use the HTTP protocol to reduce overhead if they do not have security concerns)

The address of the EMQ web console is: https://console.mi-ae.cn/home.html#/services/emq/queue

EMQ Support WeChat Group: Please join the group after scanning the code (Please specify EMQ user-Company-Name)

EMQ Support Email: emq-help@xiaomi.com