To facilitate the use of FDS by developers, in addition to the Restful API, we also provide a variety of SDKs, including Java, Php, Python, C++, JavaScript, Android, and IOS SDK. Here are the github addresses for each SDK:

In addition to the source code on github, Java, Php, and the Python SDKs can also rely on the corresponding package management tools (maven, composer, and pip).

Due to different usage scenarios for different SDKs, not all SDKs include APIs for each Restful API. The Java SDK covers all of the Restful APIs, and some of the Restful APIs are combined for user convenience. The following uses the Java SDK as an example to give a detailed introduction to the signature and usage of each API:

Initialize the FDS Client

GalaxyFDSCredential credential = new BasicFDSCredential(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET);

FDSClientConfiguration fdsConfig = new FDSClientConfiguration(""); // Configure FDS endpoint
fdsConfig.enableHttps(true); // Whether to launch https
fdsConfig.enableCdnForUpload(false); // Whether to enable CDN upload 
fdsConfig.enableCdnForDownload(true); // Whether to enable CDN download

GalaxyFDS fdsClient = new GalaxyFDSClient(credential, fdsConfig);

Examples of Service Operations and API Signatures

Examples of Bucket Operations and API Signatures

Examples of Object Operations and API Signatures

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