Trainjob process
Use process
The process of using TrainJob is as follows: Initialize the Xiaomi Cloud-ML client environment.
cloudml init
Then package the model code and upload it to FDS.
mkdir trainer
touch trainer/
curl "" > trainer/
cat << EOF >
import setuptools
setuptools.setup(name='trainer', version='1.0', packages=['trainer'])
python sdist --format=gztar
Finally, use the Cloud-ML command to submit.
cloudml jobs submit -n linear -m trainer.task -u fds://cloud-ml/linear/trainer-1.0.tar.gz -a "--model_path fds://cloud-ml/linear_model --output_path fds://cloud-ml/linear_tensorboard"
After the training task launches, you can view the status and log information immediately after the task is submitted.
cloudml jobs events linear
cloudml jobs logs linear
Parameters introduction
is a mandatory parameter allowing users to choose the name of the task.-m
is a mandatory parameter that must correspond to the user-packaged Python module name.-u
is a mandatory parameter that must correspond to the path uploaded by the user to FDS.-a
is an optional parameter allowing users to import any user-defined parameters when submitting a task.
Additional features
TrainJob also supports such features as GPU training, hyper-parameter auto-tuning and can continue to read later documents.